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πŸ“ The Road to Google Mastery: Merging onto the Google Classroom Expressway Third Point of Interest: The Classwork Section

As we continue on our journey to Google Mastery, we are going to be stopping at our third point of interest: The Classwork Section. Today, we will be taking a look at the Classwork Section and talk about all the amazing things you as a teacher can do in this section of Google Classroom.

Adding Assignments

To add an assignment to your Google Classroom, head over to the Classwork section. Once you are there, you will see button that says Create. Click on that button. From there, you will want to choose Assignment. Here you can give your assignment a title and chose to give some instructions. You can also add any materials you would like students to work on for this particular assignment. To do so, click on the Add button under the instructions box. You can add something from your Google Drive, a link, a file from your computer, or a YouTube video. Once you have added your materials, you will want to choose what type of access students will have to those materials. If you are adding a document, you will have three options: students can view, students can edit, or make a copy for each student. Choosing students can view allows them to view the document but they cannot type on the document. Choosing students can edit means all students will have access to this one document and can type on it. Everyone will be on the same document. This is perfect for collaboration. Choosing to make a copy for each student does exactly that; it will make a digital copy for each student. You can also set a due date and time and add a topic label. You can choose to assign it immediately by clicking the assign button or you can click the down arrow and choose to either schedule it to post at a certain day and time or save it as a draft.

On the right-hand side you can set what class this assignment is for, add a grading category, set a due date, add a rubric, and set a topic. Once you have everything set the way you want it, you can assign it by clicking the assign button in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Quiz Assignment

Clicking on the quiz assignment button will create an assignment with a blank Google Form Quiz. You have all of the same features of an assignment when creating a quiz assignment such as setting a due date, topic, scheduling the day and time it posts, or saving it as a draft.


Creating a question allows you to ask your students a question right within Google Classroom. You can choose for it to be a multiple choice or short answer. You can allow students to reply to each other’s answers or edit their answer. Students will not see their classmates answers until they have submitted their answer. Like with assignments, you can set a due date and time, set a topic, and schedule when the question gets posted.


Adding materials is a way to sharing resources with your students that they will need to access. For example, a teacher could post their syllabus, lesson notes, pr links to videos shown in class as materials in Google Classroom.


Topics are a way to help organize items that are in your Classwork section. There are a few ways to create a topic. One way is by clicking the create button in the Classwork section of Google Classroom and choosing Topics. Once you have created a topic, you will see it is added as a section to your Classwork section. Now, anything that you tag with that topic will fall under the topic heading. You will also see a list of them on the left-hand side of the Classwork section. Clicking on a topic will filter and only show you items that have that topic assigned to it.

Up next πŸ“ Guest Blogger: GoGuardian I had the pleasure to be a guest blogger on GoGuardian’s blog with my friend and colleague Sitara Ali. We wrote about πŸŽ₯ Google Classroom Part 2: The Stream πŸ”— Google Classroom Part 2: The Stream This is Part 2 of Our Google Classroom Series. In this video, we will be looking at the Stream Section of
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